Sunday, November 27, 2022

Maslow's hierarchy of needs, fundamentally wrong.

A fundamental flaw is discovered in Malow's pyramids of needs when analysing the initial stages of human life.

A humanist physiological needs need to be satisfied for a human to develop from a baby to an adult, but a baby is incapable of providing nutrients for itself.

A baby has no money to pay

A baby has no accurate value it can exchange for nutrition.

How are a baby's physiological needs met, if it has no food, no money and no belongings it can exchange for food?

It must be loved...

Someone, even an animal, must find it in themselve to give time, care, food, shelter in short unconditional love to the baby.

If that is the case, then Maslow was terribly wrong in assuming our satisfaction of physiological needs is most fundamental.

It turns out that our need to be loved with unconditional love is most foundational and defining for our lives.

If so, we are born to be an ampty journal of love, where the first line writes "I love you!" so a life of love can unfold as we write in each other's journals words of love.

The theory that humans are just animals falls short of proposing a holistic meaning to life.

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Maslow's hierarchy of needs, fundamentally wrong.

A fundamental flaw is discovered in Malow's pyramids of needs when analysing the initial stages of human life. A humanist ph...