Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Deeper meaning to sex and live

Sex is sold and bought but today is there a deeper meaning to it?

Is sex and sexuality just a commodity?

Do we really want to be looked upon only as sexual objects and selected as partners only according to sexual compatibility?

Looking for the most simple definition of sex today, we may conclude that it is simply... friction. 

Based on such primitive assumption rubbing anything for pleasure could qualify as sex because in this world view it sex has no other purpose than to give pleasure to the one causing the friction. This seems to be the prevailing view on sexuality that the media and the entertainment industry share. As we know this leads people to marry objects or even spirits.

Despite this a slightly more educated perspective would include the obvious results of sexual intercourse between a man and a woman, and other species surrounding us, that is the creation of another life. Some, today, argue that the pleasure given to the one rubbing surpasses in value the creation of life. Yet since this is only an opinion we need to explore deeper the life that is created to see if there is a deeper meaning or not. 

According to DNA research the moment the sperm enters the egg a new DNA sequence is created that carries a full description of the ancestry that created this life. If seen from a legal perspective we can say that, on molecular level a binding agreement has been signed between the mother and the father. This new life is a new opportunity not only for the man and the woman but for everyone that cares and loves the. 

What is most important then is the moment of time and the circumstances in which this binding agreement is signed. 

Were the two parties consciously anticipating the life they have committed to create or has one deceived the other for just a moment of pleasure? 

Was it an act of hate or violence? 

Was it a moment when one was deprived of cognitive capacity and either drugged or drunk was used for sexual self satisfaction?

We have to agree that the conditions and the state of mind of those entering into the binding agreement of life plays a crucial role in defining the value, direction and customer satisfaction of the next user of life as we know it. 

Will this life be wanted or unwanted?

Will this life be loved or hated?

Will this life be cared for or abandoned?

Coming back to our original search for the deeper meaning of life we have to conclude that sex being friction for self pleasure is a very limited and primitive view that barely scratches the surface of sex, sexuality the love who's attributes they are. 

Saturday, January 27, 2018

The deeper meaning of True Parental Love the force defining our life and the universe

Deeper meaning:

True love...

A mighty force that is able to touch and transform the life of anyone.

At its best true unconditional love is the love and care of parents towards their children.

Many might argue that this is not true because they were abandoned or not loved to a satisfactory level, but looking back in history it is easy to see that has not been much love, respect and care to be shared among people in the societies before us and still today.

Despite that universal lack of love in the human world in all ages people have found peace and inspiration in nature. What captivates us in nature is that it's offered for our experience for free. Water falls from the sky. The so needed oxygen flows everywhere and trees and grass grow freely without need of birth certificate, passport, license, permission or human laws to govern them.

Why are they free?

Pondering upon this question I looked for a good comparison of the describe this observable freedom and found one in the love of parents towards their children.

Parents in the animal and human world work and care liberally for their offspring without a condition or demand of repayment.

Parents do not accumulate interest for care given but even look forward to giving all they could accumulate throughout their lives to the children as inheritance as they are cared for into adulthood.

Parental Love seems to be in contrast to all other forms of human relationships.

Therefore we easily look for a cause for the love that surrounds us and even embraces us through our lives by naming the source God /a father figure/ or and equivalent word for religious people and Mother Nature for believers in atheism.

Jesus of Nazareth was the first to note of this intimate relationship we share with the creator of our universe.

Could it be that this world was created for us, human beings, out of love by a parental figure that we could call a Heavenly Parent?

Searching for a deeper meaning to life and sharing the findings.

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Monday, January 8, 2018

A deeper meaning to misunderstanding

Searching for a deeper meaning to the purpose of life we notice that people seem to differ in characters from one another.

Often an educated assumption is made that somehow we grow not to be alike.

What about children? Are they not all the same?

A scientific researcher may assume all children are the same based on certain observable factors but every parent ever born knows that each child is unique.

Some people are more intellectual "by nature" than others, scientists might say, defining an inherent or pre-existing state responsible for this quality. Many atheists strongly believe a certain contribution by a "Mother Nature" a mystique, divine, creative and peace infusing being is responsible for the, otherwise, "random mutation" most monotheistic religions attribute to a being they call God, or other, who they see as a creator.

It seems that all faiths and even educated doubts agree that our deep qualities that define our being are pre-existing and not decided by ourselves.

Could it be then that the reason why we find it difficult to get along with some people is because... let's say it in a different way...

If we suppose that one person had the character and function of a muscle cell and met two others who carried characteristics of a brain cell and a bone cell, respectively, and they decided to discuss the purpose of life as seen by each one of them as they each see it.

Would they get along well with each other?

Searching for a deeper meaning to life and sharing the findings.

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