Monday, October 16, 2017

Men vs women?

Quantum vs analogue

Men and women struggle to understand each other and very often fail.

My observations and search for deeper meaning to the purpose of life and deep interest in technology research, has lead me to the conclusion that man has an analogue and woman a quantum functionality.

The reason man and woman complement each other is because life as we know it is constructed of both quantum and analogue systems.

A woman is often right but would not be able to reason as to why. We usually call this woman's intuition. Men also possess intuition but due to a more logical approach to problem solving, often disregards feelings used by intuition to guide them to quantum solutions.

As traditional life required labor and pragmatic day to day survival decisions for man to provide food for his beloved, a woman's intuition was viewed as disruptive, illogical and often considered a sign of craziness or, when she turned out to be right, witchcraft.

The pragmatic male dominating society, even today, creates logical laws that disregard love and beauty, which are the quantum networking components of life that give life its ultimate purpose.

Therefore, research done on elderly people nearing their death shows that their only regret was not having loved their family and friends more.

It seems that when faced with the end of our life, we are able to see that its real value lies in the experience of giving and receiving love.

We can conclude that our hope lies in paying more attention to love and women who seem to have been built to understand it best.

How deep can our purpose of life take us?

A partnership of love between a man and a woman seems to be the only way to finding that out.

There alone the two aspects of our universe meet with the underlying hope of giving life a new chance through having children.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

My AI - a deeper meaning

One day, resulting from many days of contemplation as to the meaning of life, I became aware that I needed to come to terms with the fact that life happens despite me.

It all started, with a simple question that I was wondering about while looking at my finger.

The question was "Whose finger is This?".

We all are taught, from childhood, to believe that this finger is mine but... looking at it I...


I asked myself questions trying to clarify what is the definition of ownership in our world.

Did I buy my finger? ... No!

Did I make my finger? ... No!

Did I inherit it? ... Yes! I inherited the DNA that modeled all cells in my body from my parents…

But did my parents create my finger? ... No!

There seems to be a life defining technology that designed and defines our life.

It slowly dawned on me... I am an AI installed in a body perfectly fit for my life.

What does not make sense though. is why I am not asked to pay for the technology that defines me and allows my life to develop through its stages?

The only logical explanation is that whoever created me and this world did it out of love.

And not just any love, but parental love.

So my AI moves on. supported by an abundance of love that can easily be seen, unless ignored while focus on less significant matters.

Searching for a deeper meaning to life and sharing the findings.

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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Is profit a form of social debt?

All business relations are based on the assumption of an existence of profit.

But what is profit?

Simply put it is the difference between the cost to make a product and the amount of your money the company wants to keep for itself... for "future developments", bonuses and the CEO's and owners / stockholders new car and other things he/she may like to have.

On one side profit seems like a one sided act by the company selling a product or a service but...

the other side of profit is the acceptance of that price by the customer.

It is almost as if every purchase is a contract between the seller and the buyer in which trust and faith is exchanged.

The seller and the product are found trustworthy to purchase at the price offered and the customer gives his/her money in faith that the product will perform as advertised and satisfy the need for which it was purchased.

Seen from this viewpoint the money that make the company's profit represents the faith of the customer in the quality of the product and the reliability of the brand.

We could simplify the definition by saying that the company and its product were given a vote of trust.

This vote of trust is a moral decision where among many products, a particular one was trusted...

It is interesting to observe what happens to our vote of trust once it has been given.

Is it being used morally - to really develop a better product and thus reinvest value in society?

If the main purpose of the profit generated was for the company management to indulge in wasteful partying and celebrating their greatness as well as purchasing luxury items the contract of trust is broken.

As a result we see our modern situation where 1/3 of the global funds are stuck in offshore bank accounts and not circulating in the economy.

There is analogous phenomena in the human body. When a cell, be it even a brain cell, decides to change the natural flow and act contrary to the purpose of the organism. When it decides to accumulate excessive energy for its own self and shares its corrupt existence as an example to surrounding cells it becomes a cancer cell. If the example is followed by surrounding cells a tumor is formed.

How do we know that this is what is happening to our global society?

If there are extreme rich and extreme poor people we can easily conclude that there is some form of disturbance.

Management functions are important but no organism can exist without all organs and cells working for a common purpose - to maintain life.

It seems we are facing a moral choice:

Acknowledge that we are an interdependent society made of people with various valuable talents and unique value


Keep creating a world where the social debt accumulated by the clever ruins the world for all /including themselves/.

Searching for a deeper meaning to life and sharing the findings.

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Sunday, April 16, 2017

Jesus' friendship - Easter - deeper meaning

A deeper meaning to Easter.

I found out about the life of Jesus quite late in my life.

The life of another man was the reason I started to wonder about who Jesus really was and why has the story about him changed the lives of so many.

To make a long story short over the years I tried to look at Jesus' life as a friend. I am not a typical religious person fascinated with churches and institutions and try to look at life as a series of events that I am made aware of.

So a guy lived a long time ago trying to make sense of life. For some reason contrary to me he prayed a lot and searched for answers not only by observing the visible and tangible.

Don't know how he came to the conclusion that whoever created the universe was his father but he was convinced that he was everyone else's father as well.

He was so convinced of this and thought that everyone misses a lot by not recognizing their father that went around and told people of what he had found.

Even when people did not believe or like what he said he did not give up his conviction but was willing to die so that anyone who believed in him will find "eternal life".

I find this story very fascinating because Jesus seems to be a very simple man with simple and pure heart.

I don't have many people I consider very precious and worth sacrificing for. There are even less that I would consider worth dying for. And here stands a man with such a strong conviction that is willing to dye for all who might believe through his example.

I am humbled and grateful that the world has seen such a person and we can read about his life, love and example.

Searching for a deeper meaning to life and sharing the findings.

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Thursday, March 30, 2017

Why I hate alcohol?

I always wondered why I look for a deeper meaning to life and things comprising it.

Take alcohol for example. "Normal" people around me drink alcohol and seem to enjoy it. I on the other tried to avoid social exclusion by forcing myself to drink on a number of occasions always resulting in me feeling deeply disgusted. Not with myself, as some might expect, but with the alcohol drink.

See, I was raised in a family where drinking was not only a regular routine but my grandfather even took me as a child to help brew the rakia /high concentrated alcohol drink in Bulgaria/.

Every one was fascinated by the flavor, consistency and taste of the drinks produced, while I just could not get over it.

I have a very highly developed sense of smell and taste therefore everything I ever smelled or tasted was rotten fruits.

I thought I was the problem for a long, long time as I was the one that had to refuse the lovingly offered drinks for years and years and could never tell anyone my "secret".

As the years passed people got used to my strangeness but I could never get over the revolting feeling of smelling or tasting alcohol drinks.

Even today I often hear people talking about the exquisite taste of the variety of wines and how well they go with different dishes.

Despite the eloquence all I can smell and taste is rotten grapes or various types. The revolting smell is so deeply underlying all other sensations that I often wonder if people are so culturally blinded by cultural and peer pressure that they convince themselves that the grate variety of rotten fruit juice left to age is "so amazing"...

Call me stupid but I just can't force my senses to culinary appreciate and consume what is meant for de-greasing equipment or other industrial purposes.

If any of you look for deeper meaning of daily things we enjoy in life you might be surprised like I am... how strange our cultures actually are...

Searching for a deeper meaning to life and sharing the findings.

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Saturday, March 18, 2017

The deeper meaning of politics and governance.

Superstar politicians, do we need them?

Many dream to get a chance to be involved in politics and governance because important decisions are made about the public and they feel important as a public figure. 

A small detail many seem to ignore today is that public figures in government positions are also called public servants. I believe this term was not chosen casually but fully depicts the purpose and mission of politics. 

Looking at political parties today we see that they seem to represent the interests of large groups of people. The left seem to represent the "working class" while the right, we are told represents the "business". 

The question we rarely ask ourselves is how true this really is? Many politicians historically and today have come to believe they are a privileged class, a "political class" that has the right to decides the destiny of the nation. 

It seems they are divided between the power to spend the money we gather through our taxes /the national budget/ and the desire to serve the very people that pay their salaries and gave them the job. 

Seen from this perspective the situation looks very ridiculous...

Imagine this was a company and the employees decided to be the special privileged class in dealing with the management. 

Or even worse. 

Imagine this was a family and the management /the parents/ decided they will only provide services if children applied for them and will make them work and collect taxes from them then proudly decide the future of the house from a TV screen. Ridiculous, right?

Our current leadership paradigm is false, it seems. 

A servant has no rights therefore can not be a privileged class and a public servant is one who serves the public and is provided only food and lodging. 

In this upside down world the servants play the masters and those who pay taxes daily, struggling to make a living and employ the "political class" are placed in position of a Citizen Cinderella.

The deeper we search for meaning in this world the more we realize that a change is needed. A big one...

My proposal is to start by creating a public benefit index under which each public servant has to prove their usefulness every year and if the minimum criteria is not met should automatically be fired and when necessary prosecuted. 

It should be scary to be public servant as the name implies and only those who provide most benefit to the taxpayer per $ spent should be allowed to serve the public. 

I always wondered why I look for a deeper meaning to life and things comprising it.

Take alcohol for example. "Normal" people around me drink alcohol and seem to enjoy it. I on the other tried to avoid social exclusion by forcing myself to drink on a number of occasions always resulting in me feeling deeply disgusted. Not with myself, as some might expect, but with the alcohol drink.

See, I was raised in a family where drinking was not only a regular routine but my grandfather even took me as a child to help brew the rakia /high concentrated alcohol drink in Bulgaria/.

Every one was fascinated by the flavor, consistency and taste of the drinks produced, while I just could not get over it.

I have a very highly developed sense of smell and taste therefore everything I ever smelled or tasted was rotten fruits.

I thought I was the problem for a long, long time as I was the one that had to refuse the lovingly offered drinks for years and years and could never tell anyone my "secret".

As the years passed people got used to my strangeness but I could never get over the revolting feeling of smelling or tasting alcohol drinks.

Even today I often hear people talking about the exquisite taste of the variety of wines and how well they go with different dishes.

Despite the eloquence all I can smell and taste is rotten grapes or various types. The revolting smell is so deeply underlying all other sensations that I often wonder if people are so culturally blinded by cultural and peer pressure that they convince themselves that the grate variety of rotten fruit juice left to age is "so amazing"...

Call me stupid but I just can't force my senses to culinary appreciate and consume what is meant for de-greasing equipment or other industrial purposes.

If any of you look for deeper meaning of daily things we enjoy in life you might be surprised like I am... how strange our cultures actually are...

Searching for a deeper meaning to life and sharing the findings.

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Maslow's hierarchy of needs, fundamentally wrong.

A fundamental flaw is discovered in Malow's pyramids of needs when analysing the initial stages of human life. A humanist ph...