Thursday, August 18, 2016

Find a deeper meaning to life in 4 simple steps.

We are all searching for some meaning and purpose in our lives. I am part of this search and I understand that many will find what I'm laying out hard to relate to others may find it inspirational.

My technique of seeing the deeper meaning to the purpose of life is simple and easy to follow.

It takes some practice but if you are a  searching soul and have some time for yourself, here it is what you can do:

1. Remind yourself that life flows through time and our experience of life is relatively short.

The way I see this clearer is rather basic. 

  • I did not create or initiate life, including my own.
  • My parents did not create or initiate life, even my own. If asked if they created the sperm and the egg in order to give me life they will not be able to respond positively.
  • My grandparents also, like my parents, did not create life.
Having established that neither me nor my parents or grandparents created life gives us the space to look at it as an observer searching for answers from the very facts of existence.

2. Pause life.

  • Imagine you could "pause" life and look at it as an observer sitting on a sofa or a beautiful hillside.

3. Rewind an fast forward your life "movie".

In the process you will gradually become aware of the "external" factors that influence your decisions.

4. Look for the "heart" of your motivation for making decisions.

Even though this sounds complicated, my experience shows that there are only two states in which our motivation works: unselfish or selfish.

The unselfish state of "heart" does not put myself as the main benefactor of Life but recognizes my dependence on other participants in Life and willingly chooses to contribute to "the greater good" that benefits "the whole".
The selfish state of heart considers myself the sole benefactor and chooses to inconsiderately sacrifice other participants in Life for my well being.

By other participants I mean the living, the dead and the elements of nature.

Selfishness or unselfishness are the forces behind every decisions that motivate our actions, therefore as we zoom in on our own being, then zoom out looking at the entirety of Life we can start to identify to what extend "my" existence confirms or denies the rules of Life itself.

Some may, at this point, ask what is the purpose this process?

Here is my short answer:

Life happens all around us. Its spans before and after our existence.

Searching for a deeper meaning to life and sharing the findings.

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